Flowing on three sides of Nauvoo, is the Big Muddy, commonly known as, the Mississippi River, is extremely important to residents of the mid west. We saw this mile wide river completely freeze in two days this winter. In Feb. of 1845, the pioneers crossed on ice. Barge on the Mississippi River Farmers around here produce mostly corn and soy bean. About a third is for humans, a third is for gas, and the last third is for animals. Trucks and trains haul produce to the river banks where it is loaded on to barges. Silos used to load the barges These barges consist of 15 individual barges, connected together and pushed by one tug boat. Each set of barges can transport as much produce as 788 semi truck loads. They take the coal and farm products to New Orleans where it is shipped as far away as China. Tug Boat pushing the barge As the barges move up and down the river, they cross many bridges, us...